Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri and Happy Holiday!!!
Stay tuned for our new eLounge opening soon! It may be near you! #lajeuneelounge #lajeune #lounge #beauty #wellness #painrelief
Happy Teacher's Day!
Happy Mother's Day to all the mothers out there whether you are a Past, Present or Soon To Be Moms. May your day be filled with love, joy and laughter...
A beautiful woman draws strength from troubles, smiles during distress and grows stronger with prayers and hope. You are one of them. Lajeune eLounge wishing you a very Happy Woman’s Day! #lajeune #elounge #lounge #woman #day ... See more
STOMACH PAIN: Everybody have experience a stomach ache before. But do we know the reason of a stomach ache? Is a stomach ache a serious issue? Let us see what this user has to share about the inconveniences of his stomach ache and how he overcomes it! 腹痛是每个人几乎都有过的经验。然而,哪些原因会引起腹痛?腹痛痛要不要紧?我们一起来看看腹痛为这个用家带来什么不便然后他又怎么去应对呢? #乐尊 #lajeune #elounge #胃病 #腹痛 #健康人生 #美丽人生 #PESF #lajeune #elounge #behealthy #beyoung #PESF #sharingiscaring #testimonial #stomachpain #gastric #healthylifestyle ... See more
HYPERTENSION: Hypertension is one of the top 3 chronic illnesses frequently seen. Its symptoms include headache and dizziness. Even though hypertension do not bring great distress to the us, curing it is another matter. We can only control it with medication. It is also a presaging disease. Let’s see this user share how he manages his hypertension! 高血压是“三高症”中最常见的一种,主要以头痛、头晕症状为主。高血压虽然发作起来不痛苦,但是却难以痊愈,需要长期用药物控制。因此也是让人很头疼的,我们一起来看这位用家如何应对这个让人头疼的问题吧! #乐尊 #lajeune #elounge #高血压 #健康人生 #规律生活 #减少生活压力 #饮食均衡 #lajeune #elounge #behealthy #beyoung #PESF #sharingiscaring #testimonial #highbloodpressure #hypertension #healthylifestyle #stress #release ... See more
ACNE PROBLEM: The tropical heat in Malaysia is a reason some acne will not subside. Let’s see what our PESF Therapy users have to share about their acne problem after they tried our therapy! 天气炎热尤其是我们国家马来西亚而导致我们的青春痘仍然不会消退。我们来看看我们的用家针对这个问题有什么要分享的吧! #乐尊 #lajeune #elounge #青春痘 #健康人生 #美丽人生 #重拾自信 #lajeune #elounge #behealthy #beyoung #PESF #sharingiscaring #testimonial #acneproblem #confidency #pretty #smooth #skin ... See more
ARTHRITIS: Arthritis is a condition where the joins are painful, inflamed and swollen. There are more than 100 different types of arthritis, and the serious ones can lead to disability. That is the reason why correct treatments are so important in controlling arthritis. We had an arthritis sufferer, let’s see what he has to share after undergoing our PESF Therapy! 关节炎就是关节部位发炎、疼痛、发热及红肿。关节炎有一百种之多,严重者可导致残障,所以正确的方法治疗可以控制恶化。我们有一位用家也有关节炎这个问题,快来看看他的分享吧! #乐尊 #lajeune #elounge #关节炎 #健康人生 #疼痛 #发热 #红肿 #心脏病 #偏头痛 #便秘 #lajeune #elounge #behealthy #beyoung #PESF #sharingiscaring #testimonial #arthritis #heartdisease #migraine #constipation ... See more